
error proofing中文什么意思

发音:   用"error proofing"造句
  • 防错法
  • error:    n. 1.错误;失错。 2.谬见,误想;误信;误解。 3 ...
  • proof:    n. 1.证明;证据;【法律】证件;【法律】(口头或书面 ...
  • error-proofing:    预防差错
  • proofing:    打样 打样 打稿; 大中华印刷网 打样、打样、打稿; 防护;浸溃;上胶;试验; 涂胶
  • fire proofing = fire-proofing:    阻燃材料
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  1. Use error proofing and problems solving to determine the root causes of production delays , material delays , quality problems and cause of waste
  2. The system adopts redundancy technique and error proof measure : communicating process uses a self - adapting protocol and crc ; master computer software can avoid human - initiated - failure , check data border , limit authority , backup system data and start backup computer by software etc . to some extent , these ways help to increase the reliability of the system
  3. The system adopts redundancy technique and error proof measure : communicating process uses a self - adapting protocol and crc ; master computer software can avoid human - initiated - failure , check data border , limit authority , backup system data and start backup computer by software etc . to some extent , these ways help to increase the reliability of the system



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  3. error prone pcr 什么意思
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  6. error propagation 什么意思
  7. error propagation limiting code 什么意思
  8. error protected transmission system 什么意思
  9. error protection 什么意思
  10. error protection code 什么意思


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